Today's Helpful Byte: Online etiquette - The ultimate guide to social media manners | Helpful Bytes

Social Media

Today’s Helpful Byte: Online etiquette – The ultimate guide to social media manners

Here’s a status update that’s hard to ignore: Social networks and online apps are suddenly among today’s most popular communications tools, with over 1.23 billion people now logging in daily to connect with friends, family, and colleagues on Facebook alone.

But as we often forget, they’re also among the most public and visible of digital forums – and one in which it’s increasingly important that we comport ourselves professionally, as we now share them with friends, family, and colleagues the globe over. Likewise, from a career perspective, prospecting for sales or promotional leads and hunting for career-related opportunities rank among today’s most popular high-tech activities amongst working professionals in every field.

Which rules of conduct should you be following when connecting and communicating with others online, or reaching out regarding potential business opportunities via social networks?

Check out this helpful and timely article from – find out what they discovered while researching a new book Netiquette Essentials: New Rules for Minding Your Manners in an Online World. The answers may surprise you…

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